The Night Fairy

Engrossed in a movie

And binging on junk food

Taking the worried mind

And a racing heart to sleep

I never knew the miracles of the night.

Chaotic dreams

In an overthinking psyche

Racing images

On a burdened heart

Always difficult to fathom

The surprises the night brings.

Quarantined and how!

Cooking, mopping, washing

And then cooking

Eleven hours of work screen time

While the night fairy

Presses on with a star studded heaven

Yet I gloriously fail

To notice these wonders

At a snail’s pace

I let go; discovering

Peace in mundane

And joy in nothingness

With a flowing mane

In the gentle breeze

Of this miraculous night

While my olfactory senses

Revel in the clean air

Redolent with the fragrance

Of jasmine

Leaving an unpleasant present

Wishing for a joyful tomorrow

I finally relax

In the miracle of the night

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