Book Review – Master Of The Game & New Spring

When books leave you exhausted!

📚 New Spring is the 0th book or prequel in the “The Wheel of Time” series and is heavily inspired by Tolkien’s writing style. The world building is good but the story flow is so slow and multiple characters are introduced every 2-3 pages. There is a tendency on the part of reader to get confused between two characters. And things actually start flowing after 75% of the book is finished.

📚 I have wished to read the “Master of the Game” for a decade now but could never get my hands on the same. And when I actually finished reading this one, I was thoroughly mentally exhausted. The story has unexpected but good twists and turns, many thrilling incidents, good value-adding characters and a few unnaturally creepy ruthless incorrigible characters.

📚But I’m glad to read both of these, my attention span improved to a huge extent and introduced me to some ruthless storytelling. The views expressed here are personal and they can be different from your experiences, we sincerely hope you respect them!

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