My Thoughts On Throne Of Glass

I did not expect this book to be so enchanting! I was under the impression that this will be another Twilight but to my utter delight, no, it is not!

The first few chapters are gradually building the plot and the characters, and the story line is not fast-paced but it is not slow paced either.

The fantasy elements are starkly different and Sarah J Maas does not reveal everything in the first go. She gradually builds up the thrill and lets the readers think/judge about who is the villain of the book. Needless to say, I was wrong about the miscreant of this book but the events leading up to the reveal of the villain were some of the most thrilling chapters!

Sarah concentrates on one kingdom at a time and reveals tit-bits about three other kingdoms – I consider this a good strategy while writing high fantasy because it will not overwhelm the readers but will keep them engrossed so that they are eager to know more!

The characters are multi-layered and show a willingness to grow or rather the author wants them to grow. The main character is quirky and bubbly and it is such a relief to read about her. My favourite character though is Chaol – a brooding Captain who is the owner of some witty one-liners in this book.

Since this is a young adult high fantasy, romance is to be expected but the love story is fluttery rather than cheesy.

The ending of the book is satisfactory and it brought an unexpected smile on my face.

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