Hale And Hearty, Hauz Khas, New Delhi

With the advent of modern age, processed food items are a regular thing now. Majority of us aren’t even aware that the myriad sort of allergies and diseases cropping up these days are a combined result of processed food and all the toxins that we are slowly absorbing into our system.

Hale and Heart is a very different concept cafe started by Shivani and Mani. They want to spread awareness about the wrong culinary choices that we are making and through their healthy and organic food menu, they wish to inculcate the habit of opting for freshly prepared meals which has the least amount of artificial flavours, chemicals and toxins in it.

All their breads are locally sourced from a French couple, all sauces made in house every morning, dairy products come from a local organic farm, herbal teas sourced from a curator in Dehradun and cheese are non processed. They are using honey and jaggery in their desserts and granola bars. And trust me, if you eat their granola, you won’t be asking anything for the next few bars.

Melon Feta: A salad which is first feasted through your eyes! Freshly and juicy scooped balls of musk & water melon, arugula, edible pansies and creamy feta cheese topped with pickled ginger – all the flavours bursting on your palate. Highly recommended.

Vietnamese glass noodles salad: Again a cold salad with the finest crunchy glass noodles, perfectly julienned vegetables drenched in the garlic soy dressing and topped with a generous dosage of sesame seeds and peanuts. Highly recommended.

Avocado Chorizo: Oh my! The creamy guacamole spread on a soft toast with crunchy periphery and topped with crispy pork chorizo bits and luscious goat cheese – a maelstrom of mouth gasmic flavours. Highly recommended.

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Green Goddess Sandwich: A jolly good sandwich after a long time! A multi grain sandwich enclosing boiled chicken, crunchy lettuce & spinach imparting bitter flavour and avocado & pesto providing the necessary punch. One won’t be enough. Highly recommended.

Hummus bowl with Sumac Za’tar grilled chicken: A whole meal in itself! The hummus is the freakiest I have ever had as it has tahini mixed with it. The grilled chicken is topped in Za’tar spices thus rendering it tangy and spicy. Highly recommended.

Whole wheat brownie with Nutella: The brownie is grainy and is fashioned from whole wheat instead of refined flour. The Nutella topping is gooey as expected and a wonderful addition.

Feel good smoothie bowl: Their smoothie bowls are hugely humongous! I mean a dense yet light bed of strawberry, blueberry and raspberry yogurt smoothie topped with granola, fresh fruits and all sorts of seeds. As pointed by the owners, a complete meal in itself.

It is commendable what these ladies are trying to achieve. I, myself, am getting conscious about my food choices and it feels good to meet such like minded individuals who want to spread awareness through their work before it is too late.

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