Le Pain Quotidian, Bkc, Mumbai

An Italian setting with relaxed wooden interiors, peaceful surroundings, slow French music in the background and a lovely authentic Italian menu is what this place stands for.

They have a range of lip smacking subtle dishes and delicate imported wines.

Chicken cob salad: Medium thick slices of soft grilled chicken served with chewy bacon, boiled eggs, fresh yet soft lettuce, cucumbers and crunchy bell peppers and topped with mushy parmesan cheese and a tangy dressing is enticing.

Lemon chicken: Heavenly! Why I never tasted this masterpiece at any Italian restaurant in Delhi NCR? The chicken is so soft and juicy that it can be easily teared down with bare hands. The rice pilaf is perfectly blossomed and is flavourful because of the perfect tahini. The roast gravy is again tangy but thick. The grilled vegetables are chewy and moist.

Red wine sangria: This one is made from the classy M.A.N. family red wine and is perfect in taste and texture. Though I would expect more fruits apart from an apple slice.

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