The Wheel Of Time

The most anticipated reunion of all the time happens in this book with a few fireworks and three related characters getting hilarious headaches. The daughter-heir plays the Daes Dae’mar (Game of Houses) really well while dealing with the factions in her kingdom and the rulers outside of Andor. Golden-eyes forms an alliance with a nuisance…

“You trouble me so, Rand-al Thor. Light, sometimes I think that the Creator made you to trouble me.” And Rand-al Thor continues to trouble me! Our Dragon Reborn is getting annoyingly arrogant of his “dragon” and undefeated status and it looks like the power or the saidin is getting to him. Thank Robert Jordan for…

My, oh my, Robert Jordan delivers again on the 7th book of the Wheel of Time series. I was expecting fireworks, in your face humour and twisted politics. What I did not expect were a host of feel good moments, over shadowed characters coming into their own, introduction of a no-nonsense Mc Gonagall like character…

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