Wheel Of Time

The most anticipated reunion of all the time happens in this book with a few fireworks and three related characters getting hilarious headaches. The daughter-heir plays the Daes Dae’mar (Game of Houses) really well while dealing with the factions in her kingdom and the rulers outside of Andor. Golden-eyes forms an alliance with a nuisance…

Book review alert 🚨- The first four books of The Wheel of Time Series. If you persist enough to read the second book titled “The Great Hunt” and love it, then there is no turning back for you. From the second book onwards, the complex plot gradually unfolds, the characters get through massive changes and…

When books leave you exhausted! 📚 New Spring is the 0th book or prequel in the “The Wheel of Time” series and is heavily inspired by Tolkien’s writing style. The world building is good but the story flow is so slow and multiple characters are introduced every 2-3 pages. There is a tendency on the…

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